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Fall Protection Planner Course


This training course is designed to be highly interactive and practical oriented.

Course Standards

Unit Standard Number: 229994, NQF Level 4, 3 Credits

The learning never stops


  • Legislation
  • Worksite Risk Assessment
  • Classification of Hazards
  • Fall arrest rescue equipment and advanced fall arrest rescue techniques
  • Hierarchy of Fall Protection
  • Safe work procedures
  • Procedure for Inspection
  • Fall Protection plan, planning and fall arrest plan.
  • Managing Personnel Safety for work at height.
  • Recording and reporting Incidents
  • Formative work
  • Comprehensive course notes and illustrations.
  • Progress quizzes keep learning on track.
    An overhead slide presentation providing supplementary.
  • Videos to illustrate best practices, case studies, and operational examples.
  • A learner workbook including progress quizzes.
  • Practical sessions
  • Has attended certificate – Short course
  • CETA certificate of competence – statement of results. Issued approximately 6 – 8 months (Costs extra R400.00 excluding VAT). 

At the end of this course, delegates should be able to:

  • Perform a risk assessment of the worksite where work is to be done at height Demonstrate knowledge of fall arrest rescue equipment and advanced fall arrest rescue.
  • Develop a fal protection and fall arrest plan
  • Manage safety of personnel working at height.

It is desirable for learners wishing to achieve this unit standard to be competent at

  • Communication at ABET level 3 or equivalent
  • Mathematical Literacy at ABET Level 3 or equivalent
  • Be medically fit and in possession of a medical certifiate, declaring him/her free from a condition that may prevent him/her from working safely as speciifed in the range statement. (SABS 0333:2 Annx A).
  • Have knowledge of suspension trauma

For a short course: Successful delegates will receive a has attended certificate. (Normal course fee is charged)

For a certificate of competence – statement of result from CETA, a portfolio of evidence must be submitted by candidates and they must be found “competent” upon completion of course. (This costs an extra R400).

Statement of Results are issued digitally after approximately 6 – 8 months.

South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania, Mozambique Botswana & Namibia

Course Status: Available

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